Before booking your first appointment, you can call Lynne directly and discuss how her treatment may help you to achieve your goals.
To set up an appointment or to consult with Lynne, please call 519-438-5454 or email
Lynne's private practice serves London and surrounding communities, such as Lambeth, St.Thomas, Port Stanley, Glencoe, Byron, Delaware, Strathroy, Watford, Arva, Exeter, Lucan, Thamesford, Thorndale, Stratford, St. Mary's, Alymer, Wyoming, Tillsonburg, Dorchester, Ingersoll, Woodstock, Chatham, Wallaceburg and Sarnia. Lynne Hamilton, M.Ed., is a psychotherapist who, since 1987, provides individual counselling to help women recover from eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, compulsive eating).